Friday, May 26, 2006

Some Things Really Won't Ever Change

We ended up taking Nadia to the doctor after another full day of having a high fever. Can you even believe that they did a test for strep? My little baby is old enough to get strep tests done! The initial report came back negative, but they are also doing it the old fashioned way, as my doctor called it, and letting it sit in it's little petri dish. Hopefully we won't get a call today. But our doctor did say that her little throat bled a little when he did the swab test. Yikes! No wonder she doesn't want to eat or drink anything. She did manage to "force" down some chocolate pudding this morning :)

Last night I had to go into work for an inservice about blood borne pathogens and a section on sexual harassment. How they paired those two subjects up, I have no clue. But the guy that does the Right to Know part has been doing it since I started here, if not longer. He knows his stuff inside and out. But let me tell you, even pros have slips of the tongue, and even adults such as I, can't control the laughter. I tried. I drank some water, snorted a little, and eventually gained my composure back. What could be so funny about an Employee's Right to Know speech? How about this.....

He was talking about first aide, and what if you happen across someone who has a major head injury? Well, first you call 911, no question about it. A head injury deserves 911. If I had a major head injury I would hope that someone around would call 911 for me. Ok. That is settled. So where is the "funny" in that, you ask? There isn't. It's what he said next that made me feel like a teenager back in health class. And I quote......

"After you call 911, grab your PP and run."

Grab your what? Did we bypass the ending and move onto the sexual harassment section? Why would one want to grab THAT and run? Run where? To the bathroom? Then what do you do with it? It seemed a little odd to me, until I figured it all out. Don't worry folks. He wasn't saying that we should grab our privates and run, although that would make for an interesting scene for the EMT to happen upon. He was referring to our "Personal Protector", also known as our PP. OK, ok, call me immature, call me a child, call me whatever you want, but it was damn funny. Maybe it was one of those things that you "had to be there", which I am happy that I was able to be there to witness it and pass it along via this blog. You know you'll tell this story to someone, you don't fool me.......

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