Saturday, June 10, 2006

I Have Issues

This weekend starts the first of many busy weekends. That is how I can tell that summer has begun. It certainly is not because of the weather. The beauty of Minnesota is that you just never know what you are going to get day to day. It has been in the 80's for quite some time now, but as I look at my Weather Bug icon, it says that it is a mere 54 degrees this chilly morning. No wonder I had to don fleece pants and a sweatshirt. It's cold!

This afternoon we have a wedding to attend. It is the twin sister of the wedding we went to last summer. Can you imagine that whirlwind?!? Yikes. My only hope is that I still fit into one of the dresses I bought last year. That is my first issue. It could be interesting. Not in the least bit funny, but interesting. The other fun fact that I get to deal with today is that I have a slight sunburn on my chest and I am at the itchy stage. I really just want to rip my skin off in hopes that it will dull the itchiness. That is my second issue. I will attempt to keep my hands off of my chest in church, but I can't promise it at the reception.

Here is a huge issue we have in this house. I took the girls to have their pictures done professionally for Father's Day and we have gotten the proofs via email. How does one decide when there are 35 great pictures of these girls? Besides the fact that we might have to sell our first born to pay for the pictures.

"See? Here's a picture of Claire. Isn't it nice? Too bad we couldn't keep her, but we'll always have this photo."

We have to make some decisions pretty soon though. We just have to.

Next weekend Dion is going to Wisconsin to go to a baseball game with his dad, brother, and sister too, I think. I will be flying solo. The question of the hour is what will I do to the house while he is gone? The options are endless, but I think painting is going to be on the list. It'll just be a matter of what I am going to paint. Those options are not endless, but I have a few. The weekend after that I am taking the girls down to their cousins house for her birthday party. They should have a good time, they usually do. I am curious to see if Dion does anything to the house while we are gone. Ok. Scared is a better word. He threatened last time, but didn't do anything. Although this time he won't have the girls to watch, so you never know.

Well, I survived the first week of summer at work, I cannot say the same thing for the little pool in our backyard. I have a feeling that the crappy kids up the road had something to do with the death of our pool. I find it odd that the little spout that you use to blow up the palm tree was ripped off. I don't imagine that squirrels like to do those types of things, but I guess there could be one special one in the group.

"Mom! Scooter Squirrel is trying to eat a plastic pool again!"

But I have to admit that I am leaning more towards the crappy kids. There's a sketch on Saturday Night Live that Cheri Oteri used to do. Her character was named Mrs Daveckio. Her conquest in life was to take the neighbor kids toys if they landed in her yard. Every time we go for a walk we have to step around the crappy neighbor kids toys that they leave on the sidewalk. I always mumble about it since we have to move the stroller around them too, and Dion always calls me Mrs Daveckio. I bet he doesn't find as much humor in it now that our pool is popped. Darn kids. So I had to go buy a new pool, which the girls love, but by God if those bratty kids even come near our yard, I might have to break out our paintball guns. I know, I know....Mrs Daveckio.

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