Friday, June 09, 2006

Excuse me, I Would Like to Trade Today in For a New Day Please

Today has been a long long looooong day. It has been the kind of day that has made me want to run away for a little bit. They type of day where I would rather have been at work than dealing with the happenings in this house. A day that made me wish I could drink at 8AM. A day that made me absolutely, positively, without a doubt, crazy. You ever had one of those days? It sucks.

We could talk about the fact that Nadia pushed a screen out of our bedroom window, or that she emptied all of her clothes from her dresser onto the floor last night, all the while being naked since she took her pull-up off too. So that is what greeted me when I went into her room this morning. Then we can talk about how she would not, under any circumstances, stay in her chair for lunch. She ended up not getting lunch and I took her to her room for a nap. That turned out to be about 45 minutes worth of a nap. But she had to stay in her room because I had to deal with Thing 1, (Claire) who did not take a nap at all today. But she did manage to break the Swiffer, put one of the cats into her laundry basket with the top on, crawl under our bed when she was supposed to be napping, filled the main floor bathroom sink with foaming soap, slammed her door a total of about 30 times, and managed to tick Thing 2 (Nadia) off about 50 times.

You know, other than that, it's been a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Sue I feel your pain! Dd hasn't napped since she was about 15 months. Mind you, she still NEEDS a nap, but the fight is about 2 hours for about 45 minutes worth of sleep. So not worth it!

I have many days of wanting to run. In fact, we are leaving for a week long vacation in the morning. I'm ready to get away for a while.

Great big hugs to you. Tomorrow is a new day!
