Saturday, October 29, 2005

A little bit of something and a whole lot of nothing

I just decided that it had been a while since I last posted anything, so here I am. I should be doing the laundry, cleaning, putting clothes away, blah blah blah, but here I sit.

I got a book today in the mail from my MIL, "Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy". It is at this point that I want to encourage anyone who knows a young woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer to read this book. Keeping in mind that everyone is different, I did feel that this was a very true, accurate, heartfelt walk in the author's shoes (which is Geralyn Lucas, by the way). There were sections in the book that I felt I had written, there were sections in the book that I did myself these past 19 months, and there were parts in the book that I could never dream of doing. Ok, enough said. It's a wonderful book, I read it in under 3 hours.

Since my last posting I turned 31. I spent a majority of that day at Mayo getting treatment and my study shot. Nothing like a shot in the butt as a happy birthday present! I took cupcakes in for the nurses that had Care Bear rings on top, which they all wore. I could not, however, convince Bill the custodian to wear his. Last year for my 30th birthday I was doing radiation. This year treatment, next year I'm hoping for the year off. I will say though that all of the "happy birthday's" I received from the Mayo staff were sincere. I was also point out here that the spouse of another cancer survivor did come up to me and say "May you have many more". That was nice.

So I have a staff member who is out on maternity leave right now and I have picked up some of her hours. In case you forgot, I am the coordinator of a before and after school aged child care. Usually I am stuck in the office doing paperwork and all that fun stuff, but now the fun starts. I get to be with the kids. I get to do craft projects, play gym games, and most importantly, I get to make an impression on these kids. I get to build them up, I get to help them make the right choices, I get to point out when they have made the wrong choice and help them figure out what the right choice would have been. I can see it working. Anyway, I digress. So we were playing a game in the gym, two teams, one on each half of the gym. A first grade boy was getting a little competetive, enjoying the game, being a little cocky like they get. And he runs up to the center line where I was standing and says, "Come on Grandma! Show me what you got!!" Grandma? Did that kid just call me grandma? In which I replied, "Grandma?!?" and threw the ball at him and got him out. Oh yeah! Score one for Grandma! I cannot tell you how much fun I have playing games with these kids. I end up sweating and they wear me out by the end of the night, but it is so worth it. You know when you see a kid in the halls during the school day and he says, "Are you going to be here tonight?" and you say yep and they do a little fist pump action and say "Yes!!!", you are doing something right.

Well, Claire is awake, so I guess I will stop for now. I have a lot more thoughts that I want to get down, but they will have to wait, like so many other things in life.

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