Tuesday, March 28, 2006

You May Not Know

There are many things that I have learned in my little cancer journey, as I have stated before. But something that you may not know is the following. Well, actually, this applies to not only cancer, but any sort of really big thing that has happened in your life. But since cancer is pretty big for me, I will use that example. Anyway, I have learned this (are you dying to know?!?)....when it has come to MY cancer (I speak only for myself here), I have found two types of people in this world. Angels and a**holes.

"Sue! Whatever do you mean?"

I was hoping you would ask that very questions, so I have come more prepared than I EVER was in college, to answer that very question. To solve the mysteries of the world, to find out what came first: the chicken or the egg, to discover.....nevermind. I'll stick to cancer. So where do we start? Angels or a**holes? Let's dissect the a**holes first, shall we? Come, take my hand. Let me tell you a story or two.

1. The radiologist who asked me, an 8 month pregnant woman, why I was crying about having a biopsy. "It's just a biopsy"-----a**hole.

2. The dentist who said "Wow. You know people die from cancer?" after I told him why I needed the filling done ASAP----a**hole.

3. The telemarketer who said this, after I told him all of our money goes to my cancer, "Well, how about a smaller amount?"----BIG a**hole.

4. When I was told not to use cancer as an excuse----a**hole.

5. When my husband was asked why I had cut my hair SO short when it was finally growing back---ok, not an a**hole, just not so smart.

6. The people who decided not to come around much these past 2 years for what I assume was because they couldn't deal with my cancer----again, not really a**holes, I can't say I totally blame them. I didn't like seeing me all bald, bleeding, weak, and sick, but there are times when you need to do the right thing and you need to put your own feeling aside. I will get off of my soap box now...

There. That wasn't too bad, was it? Only 6 that I could think of, right off the bat (Dang it! You caught me. Just like in college, I appeared to be prepared, but I really wasn't). Ok, on to the angels, which you should know, overpower those a**holes ten times over.

1. All the people who put meals together for us---angels.

2. All the donations given to us---angels.

3. My friend, my surgeon----angel, she saved my life in ways she'll never know.

4. Bill at Mayo who brings me a Diet Coke from his private stash every week because I hate Pepsi--- HUGE angel!

5. Most of the nurses I have come in contact with have been wonderful----angels.

6. SIS, my online support group---angels.

7. The friends who traveled to see me, and those in town who bent over backwards to help us

8. My family---angels.

9. The hairdresser who agreed to shave my head before my hair fell out---angel.

10. My Mayo oncologist----funny angel.

11. My neighbors who didn't react to my reflective head when I ran outside without my
bandana on---angels

12. The anethesiologists---angels in "high" places (I couldn't resist!).

13. The people who have taken the time to actually read this and post a comment or two---

14. My husband---there's not enough space here to site examples on why he has been an angel
through all of this crap.

So you see? I said the angels reined over the party poopers, and they still do. Every once in a while I have to deal with an a**hole or two, but I try to keep things in perspective now a days. I still get worked up about some things, life would be dull if I didn't, but it's all about moderation people! Mod-er-a-tion!

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