Tuesday, April 01, 2008

One More Day

Tomorrow afternoon we will be living like kings. Well, at least sleeping like kings. We are getting a king size bed and I can hardly even wait!! The other night in the bed was me, then Nadia, then Claire. Somewhere in the bed were also a dog and maybe a few cats. Dion decided to come up from sleeping on the couch and decided that the only spot left was at the foot of the bed. So he was crunched up there, I couldn't stretch my legs out, and the kids were happy as they could be. Lucky little limb people.

Yesterday school let out early. Today it was closed. Right now it is sunny and beautiful out. That's some April Fool's day joke that Mother Nature played on us!

1 comment:

Kim Sjoquist said...

That's what I was thinking...I'll take that April Fool's Day joke though....it was really nice today...despite the snow. We made snowmen in April....YAY!