Wednesday, April 16, 2008


That's just the number of posts that I have created from this crazy mind of mine. I guess I really only have some random thoughts to share for a moment since I am being called to watch a movie.
  • I am going to Mayo with my dad tomorrow to see what the doctor will say about my dad deciding to stop treatment.
  • I don't understand what the steroid spray is supposed to do. Unless the answer is nothing, then it is doing a great job.
  • One of my biggest competitors for summer day care does not have a place to rent this summer (so far) so it seems like my program may grow a bit. Or it may not. We will see.
  • My head hurts and Dion is currently making it hurt more by interrupting my thought process.
  • I am so excited that The Deadliest Catch started it's new season this week. I think I would like to just hang out with Sig and have a beer or two.
  • I am mad because I thought I taped Idol tonight, but alas, it did not work.
  • I have to stop before Dion gets all upset that I am still blogging.


Kim Sjoquist said...

Can I join you and Sig for some beers? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that show. I think I'd want Phil to come a long too if that's okay.

Sue Flaska said...

I am A-O-K with Phil being there too. Edgar would be nice for some entertainment too.