Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mr & Mrs Smitten Kitten

The wedding was wonderful! Just romantic as all get out! The church...beautiful. The company....had me rolling. The reception....good time by all. The drinks.....were a flowin. The food....much better going down than coming up. Ah yes. The sign of a fun night.


Anonymous said...

So glad you had a good time! Are you going to post any pictures? I love weddings!

Kim Sjoquist said...

Seriously?? Coming up? :) It was a great wedding!!! I am SOOOOOO EXCITED and HAPPY for those two!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kind words. It was a wonderful day.

Mr. Kitten

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the wedding lovely? Didn't the groom look darned handsome? It was a perfect day, and I'm delighted that so many friends and family could join us for it. Best part is knowing that I now have an incredible husband and am just starting many wonderful years to come.
Mrs. Kitten