Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Last Step

I called my mom at dad died at :10:43am. He died peacefully in his sleep. I hung up the phone and said a prayer of thanks to God for taking away his pain. Hospice has been here and now we are waiting for the crematory people to come.

My dad took his last step, walking into a wondrous place, and I'm sure waiting there for his was his mom. Claire and Nadia said he is playing catch with Spark again. I took them into his room so they could say goodbye to Grandpa. I explained that what we were looking at was a shell. I asked them where the good stuff is in an egg. They said the inside. I told them that Grandpa was like an egg. The good stuff has gone to heaven and all that is left is the shell. They understand so much more than we adults give them credit for.

More to come......


Kim Sjoquist said...

So sorry to hear of your dad. My thought and prayers are with you and your family.

Eliza Brock said...

Sue......I am sorry to hear about your loss, yet relieved for your father that his suffering is finally ended. You are with my thoughts this week.

Anonymous said...

Sue, We are so sorry to hear about your father. He was a great man. Please tell your mom and family how sorry we are. You are in my thoughts EVERY day! I love and miss you tons. Take it easy and give your mom and you a hug from me.
Love Mynette & family

Fran said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your dad. Please know that I will continue to lift you and your family up in prayer as you navigate the next few days, weeks and months. May the Lord continue to give you peace.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Sue. Tell your mom I am thinking of all of you.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Sue. Tell your mom I am thinking of all of you.


Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. He sounded like a wonderful person. Your strength in the face of such personal tradegy is so very enlightening to those who don't know you or your family. You are no doubt the cement that keeps your family so strong in the face of such heartache. I will keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sue, we are thinking of you and your family. We have kept you in out thoughts throughout this time everyday. Let Carol know that I am thinking of her as well..

Keri Urech

Anonymous said...


Sorry for your and your family's loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prays.


Anonymous said...

Sue, Dion & girls.......So sorry to hear of your dad's passing. You are such a strong person, I don't know how you do it all. I really admire your strength! Your family is in our thoughts & prayers.
Love, Lori Hansmeier & family

Lori said...

Thinking of you and your family, Sue. I am glad your dad is out of pain and I hope this is the beginning of some healing and rest for you -- it's been a long journey for you all.

Lori in New York

Heather said...

Oh, Sweetheart, I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you in this difficult time. I pray that you have a relatively easy journey into your "new normal), although I'm sure it looks now that you'll never get there. Hugs.


Jay said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope your family is doing ok, especially your girls.

RecycleCindy said...

Your Dad is walking where my Grandma went at the end of May. They are walking hand in hand with our loving Lord. I can also see their smiles as they are free at last. Free from their pain and from the trials of this Earth. Tho we long to be with them, it is yet our time. Take comfort in their peace and know that they are finally free. God bless you and your family. Remember the joy and focus on their