This coming weekend is River City Days. I am hoping to get the girls out there for the parade and such. We'll see.
The next weekend is the cancer walk. It was bank night last night and we got our t-shirts for the event. This coming week at work I am asking parents if they want to donate and let their child create the luminarias. I am hoping to get a little more money that way. I only turned in $205 this year in donations. I would say that I am disappointed in myself, but this year it has been difficult so I am going to give myself a break on that one.
The Monday after the cancer walk (the 11th) is my 6 month check at Mayo. I am so excited to add to the debt that we already have at Mayo. Woo hoo. It will be an all day adventure, like usual, but I am hoping to swing back into the chemo rooms to say hi to some of the nurses and such.
The 13th I have Fall Registration for my work. I have to get the rest of the Kindergarten letters out there. Yikes.
Then the last week of summer my daycare is closed again. Dion and I are toying with the idea of going on a vacation by ourselves to celebrate our 10th anniversary. It isn't actually until Sept, but it falls on Claire's birthday and we always try to keep it separate. We'll see.
And now, the random thoughts.....
- This past Tuesday the pastor came out to my parents house to meet with my dad. It went well.
- I have been staying up way too late this week and I have a feeling next week will be an adjustment.
- As of today, I have passed my infatuation of Snow Caps on to my daughters.
- American Idol is next month!!!
- I miss my friends.
- I look at my dad, and he is not the man I grew up with.
- Our cats are so awesome.
- I can't wait for school to start.
- Swish swish swish.....sometimes the sound my brain makes when I think too much.
Ok, better run. Cabin fever is already setting in.
I have some money for you for a luminaria. When can we connect?
Love, one of your favorite cousins. Lol!
I know I can't believe the summer is almost over. boo hoo.
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