Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I have to share this story. For the past three years, Dion and I have done the Mississippi Shuffle 2 day cancer walk. This past summer was an emotional one. We set up tents, build bonfires, sit with friends, eat, walk, eat, and walk some more. The park that hosts this event is right on the river. The path that we walk on is a loop that is almost 2 miles. The path is lined with white paper bags with candles in them. They have either red (survivors) or black (victims) names on them. When we started this walk, never did we think we would see either of our names on a bag. Hopefully for me it's red writing here on out. Anyway, some bags have words of encouragement on them. I will never forget passing this bag over and over and over. It said "This too shall pass". There are days when I have to remind myself of this, and I do find comfort in those words. I hope you do too.

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